
Clan Carruthers

Carruthers is a Riding Name originating from Annandale in Dumfriesshire, South West Scotland. The earliest recorded use of our name is William de Carruthers, in the early 1200’s. Our chiefly line starts there, and progresses through the Carruthers of Mouswald, which became extinct in 1548, to Carruthers of Holmains where it sits to this day. Our family has played an integral role in regional and Scottish history and is part of the rich tapestry which has made up Scotland’s Border heritage over the last 1000 years and more.

Clan Carruthers Society (USA)

This is the website of the Clan Carruthers Society (USA), a 503 (c) 3 organisation and a regional branch of Clan Carruthers Society International. As a Society, we are also in full membership of the Council of Scottish Clans and Associations, here in the United States.

Our Clan Chief, confirmed and recognised by the Lord Lyon, is Dr Peter Carruthers of Holmains who is also the Honorary President of our global Society. It is through this authority that we officially represent all of our Name here in the United States of America.

Scottish Border Reiver Clan

Our Board consists of:

Honorary President (Hereditary Clan Chief)

 Peter Carruthers of Holmains

Regional Clan Commissioner

Dana Caruthers Norton, FSA Scot

Vice Commissioner 

David Newton


William Lawrence Carruthers

Director of DNA Research

Steve Colburn


Pam Caruthers Wong

Branch Director 

Jeanne Crouthers Abert

Clan Genealogist (USA) 

Dana Caruthers Norton, FSA Scot

CCSI Representative/Convenor (UK)

George Carruthers FSA Scot


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